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Managing a Successive Deployment of Office Premium and Related Products

Installation Requirements for Encryption Components

If you install encryption components with Microsoft Office 2000 Premium or related products, keep in mind the following installation requirements.

Product Installation technology Elevated privileges Reboot
Microsoft Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade IExpress Yes No
Microsoft Outlook Domestic Security Patch IExpress Yes No

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade

By default, Internet Explorer uses 40-bit encryption technology for secure communications. The Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade modifies Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer so that they can use 128-bit encryption.

You can download the 128-bit encryption upgrade from the Internet Explorer area on the Microsoft Windows Update Web site at For more information, see the Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Updates Web site at

Note   128-bit encryption is available only to users in the United States and Canada, and is limited by US export license. For more information, see the Microsoft Security Advisor Web site at

Software prerequisites

The Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade requires that other software be preinstalled on the user’s computer.

Internet Explorer   To install the upgrade, you must have Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed. As an alternative, you can download the complete 128-bit version of Internet Explorer 3.02 or higher.

Elevated privileges

To install the 128-bit upgrade under Windows NT 4.0, you must run Setup with elevated privileges.

Reboot requirements

You do not need to reboot the computer after installing the 128-bit upgrade.


Outlook Domestic Security Patch

When you install Office 2000, Setup configures Outlook with the same encryption level as Internet Explorer on the user's computer. If Internet Explorer is installed with 40-bit or 128-bit encryption, Setup configures Outlook with 40-bit or 128-bit encryption, respectively. If Internet Explorer is not installed, or if you install Office on Windows NT 4.0 without elevated privileges, Setup configures Outlook with no encryption.

Tip   You can enable Outlook security features even when a user installs Office without elevated privileges. Remove Outlook 97/98 from the user's computer and then install the Outlook 2000 Domestic Security Patch with elevated privileges before the user installs Office.

After you install Office, you can upgrade Outlook to 128-bit encryption by installing the Outlook Domestic Security Patch. The patch also upgrades Windows and Internet Explorer to 128-bit encryption  — so if you install the Outlook Domestic Security Patch, then you do not need to install the Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade.

The Outlook 2000 Domestic Security Patch consists of an IExpress file (O2kdom.exe) that contains domestic security patches for Internet Explorer 4.0, Internet Explorer 5, and Outlook 2000. To install the Outlook 2000 Domestic Security Patch, download the file from the Outlook 2000 high encryption page on the Office Update Web site at

When you run O2kdom.exe on a user’s computer, the program determines which version of Internet Explorer is installed, updates it to 128-bit security, and then updates Outlook 2000. You can use the /q command-line option to perform the installation quietly and the /r command-line option to suppress automatic reboot.

Note   128-bit encryption is available only to users in the United States and Canada, and is limited by US export license. For more information, see the Microsoft Security Advisor Web site at

Software prerequisites

Before the security patch can update Outlook, Outlook requires that other software be preinstalled on the user’s computer.

Internet Explorer 4.0 or Internet Explorer 5   Must be installed before installing the Outlook Domestic Security Patch. If Internet Explorer is not already upgraded to 128-bit encryption, the security patch upgrades Internet Explorer first and then upgrades Outlook.

Outlook 2000   Must be installed on the computer before installing the Outlook Domestic Security Patch.

Elevated privileges

To install the Outlook Domestic Security Patch on Windows NT 4.0, you must run Setup with elevated privileges.

Reboot requirements

You must reboot the computer after installing the Outlook Domestic Security Patch. The patch prompts the user to reboot the computer unless you use the /r command-line option.


See also

Outlook 2000 provides enhanced security features for sending and receiving secure e-mail messages over the Internet or your intranet. For more information, see Using Security Features in Outlook.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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