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Linking the Answer Wizard to the Web

How to Customize the Answer Wizard Feedback Form

When your users click None of the above, look for help on the Web in the Answer Wizard, they are directed to a feedback form in Help. They use this form to enter comments about the problem that they are trying to solve and the kind of information they expected to find. When they submit their comments, they are directed to the Office Update Web site where their search is automatically run again to find any updated information.

Meanwhile, the data from the feedback form is submitted to the support staff at Microsoft, where the information is used to improve the next version of Answer Wizard topics, as well as the information available on the Office Update Web site.

The Answer Wizard feedback form is dynamic. It collects users’ comments and also forwards pertinent information about the failed query. By default, the form sends the information to the Microsoft support staff for analysis. If you want to redirect information to your own organization’s support staff, you can customize the form and create a custom Active Server Pages (ASP) file to handle the information from the form.

To customize the feedback form, change the following three options in the sample Answiz.asp file.

Option Description
f_log=1 Set to 0 to disable logging of users’ questions. Default is 1.
f_redirect_to_MS=1 Set to 0 to disable sending of information to the Office Update Web site. Default is 1.
where_if_not_MS="alert.htm" Set to the URL of the page you want users to see after they submit the feedback form. This option is valid only if you have set the redirect option to 0.

Toolbox   The Office Resource Kit includes a sample ASP file for customizing the Answer Wizard feedback form. For information about installing the Answiz.asp file and other sample HTML files, see Help on the Web.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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