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Office Registry API

How to Read the ORAPI Spreadsheet

The ORAPI spreadsheet is a representation of the Office 2000 registry entries. The spreadsheet includes the default values for these registry entries, along with their locations in the registry. You can install the ORAPI spreadsheet and then look up any settings that you need.

Toolbox   The ORAPI spreadsheet (Regkey.xls) has been included as an Excel workbook in the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit. For information about installing the Regkey.xls workbook, see Office Information.

The ORAPI workbook contains two worksheets:

  • RegistryMain
  • PathTree

The RegistryMain worksheet lists the default registry values that are used by Office 2000. The RegistryMain worksheet also lists the default value and data type for the entry, as well as which components of Office use that setting.

The PathTree worksheet lists all the registry subkeys that are used by Office 2000. The worksheet maps these subkeys to the RegistryMain worksheet by using the ID in the Registry Key Identifier column.

To find the default value and registry path for an entry in the registry

  1. Open the Regkey.xls spreadsheet.
  2. Click the RegistryMain sheet tab.
  3. In the Registry Key Identifier column, look up the registry entry whose default value you want to find.
  4. Look in the Value-Name, Type, and Default-Value-Data columns to see the default value or values and data types for that entry.
  5. In the Registry Key Identifier column, note the ID for the subkey.
  6. Click the PathTree sheet tab.
  7. In the Registry Key Identifier column, look up the subkey ID you found in the RegistryMain worksheet.
  8. In the Path Node Location in Registry column, make a note of the path corresponding to the subkey ID.


Read the RegistryMain worksheet

The RegistryMain worksheet contains the registry entries used by Office 2000. Each entry includes a value name and default value data, as well as the correct data type for that value.

The worksheet is organized into columns. The following table lists the main columns in the worksheet and gives a brief explanation of what you find in each column. (The RegistryMain worksheet contains additional columns that are of interest to programmers.)

Column in RegistryMain Explanation
Unique Identifier Unique identifier for each entry in the ORAPI spreadsheet.
Registry Key Identifier Registry path for the entry. Paths are not unique to particular registry entries: A subkey in the registry may contain multiple entries.
Value-Name Name of the entry in the Windows registry.
Type Default data type for the value in the entry.
Default-Value-Data Default value data for the entry. NO_DEFAULT or EMPTY_STRING means that the entry has no default value.
Localized Whether the entry has been localized for international versions of Office 2000.
Application Usage Which Office applications use the entry.
Comments Comments about the entry. Usually identifies the corresponding Office setting.

Note   ORAPI stores default information in English. Office 2000 substitutes localized entries in the Windows registry during installation. If a localized entry is corrupted or deleted, however, ORAPI returns the default English entry. Office 2000 continues to function, but some localized options may appear in English rather than in the localized language. You can restore localized entries by reinstalling Office 2000.


Read the PathTree worksheet

The PathTree worksheet helps you locate subkeys in the registry hierarchy. The Registry Key Identifier column lists the unique key identifier used to map a subkey to the entries on the RegistryMain worksheet. The Path Node Location in Registry column contains the paths to subkeys used by Office within the following Windows registry subtrees:



See also

Some values in ORAPI take the REG_EXPAND_SZ data type, which allows you to use environment variables in the Windows registry. For more information about environment variables, see Using Environment Variables in System Policies.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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