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Using the System Policy Editor

Virtual Key Codes for Shortcut Keys

Each key and modifier key used in Windows has an associated virtual key code. You use these codes to identify the unique key you want to control.

In the System Policy Editor, you enter the values for keys and modifier keys by using the following syntax:


where key is the value of a key (for example, G) in Windows, and modifier is the value of either a modifier key (for example, ALT or SHIFT) or a combination of modifer keys in Windows.

If you have multiple modifier keys for the shortcut key, you add the values of the modifier keys together to determine the actual modifer key value you will enter in the System Policy Editor (for example, ALT+SHIFT = 16+4 = 20).

Use the following values to refer to keys in the System Policy Editor.

Key Value
ALT 16
A – Z A sequential number between 65 and 90, where A = 65, and Z = 90

Note   Office does not use the virtual key codes for ALT, CONTROL, and SHIFT. To refer to these keys in the Office environment, use the values of the modifier keys specified in the table.


See also

You can look up additional virtual key codes in the Windows NT Server Resource Kit or on the Microsoft Developer Network Web site at If you look up a virtual key code and find a hexadecimal value, however, you must convert the key code to a decimal value and enter that value in the System Policy Editor.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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