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Managing Users’ Options with System Policies

Options That Can Be Set Through a System Policy

You can set many Office 2000 options by using system policies. The following list describes some categories of options that can be set through policy:

  • You can disable or enable any menu command and its corresponding toolbar button.
  • You can disable or enable any shortcut key.
  • You can specify settings for many dialog box items, including most of the options in the Options dialog box (Tools menu).

Policies affect application settings, but not document-specific settings. For example, in Word you can enable or disable most of the options on the General tab in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) by using system policies. However, you cannot use policies to alter anything on the User Information tab in the Options dialog box, or in the Properties dialog box (File menu).


See also

All of the system policies for a particular application are listed in the corresponding policy template. For more information about the policies within each template, see Office 2000 System Policy Reference.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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