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Features of the MultiLanguage Pack

The Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack provides features that allow users to change the language of their Office user interface and online Help. It includes the Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools; the Proofing Tools provide spelling checkers, grammar checkers, and other tools for editing in a variety of languages.

Features available in the MultiLanguage Pack Setup program

The MultiLanguage Pack Setup program installs features that allow you to change the language of the user interface and Help. You can also install features from the Proofing Tools.

The MultiLanguage Pack Setup program installs the following features:

  • User interface dynamic-link (DLL) files
  • Online Help DLL files
  • Localized templates and wizards
  • Asian user interface fonts

The MultiLanguage Pack Setup program includes the Proofing Tools, which installs the following features:

  • Spelling checker
  • Grammar checker
  • Thesaurus
  • Hyphenator
  • AutoCorrect list
  • AutoSummarize DLL file
  • Word breaker (for languages that don’t use blank spaces to divide words)
  • Grammar, hyphenation, spelling, and thesaurus dictionaries

In addition, the Proofing Tools provide the following utilities that are particularly useful for users who work with Asian languages:

  • Translator for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translator
  • Korean converter for Hangul and Hanja

Toolbox   Information about user interface and Help features, as well as a list of proofing tools that are available for each language, is included on the LPK and PTK Language Components worksheets in the Excel workbook Multilpk.xls. For information about installing this workbook, see International Information.


Features available on the MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM

Besides the features that are installed with the MultiLanguage Pack Setup program, you can install other features provided on the MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM. These features are in folders in the Extras folder on the MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROMs.

The following table lists the features available in the Extras folder.

Feature Folder Description
Excel add-ins XLAddins\language Allows users to run certain localized add-ins, such as Update Add-in Links.
Excel object libraries 95olbs\language Allows Excel 2000 to run multilingual macros created in Microsoft Excel 95 and 5.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer user interface language Ie5\language Allows users to change the language of the user interface in Internet Explorer 5
Input method editors Ime\language Allows users to type Asian text
Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface language Jet\language Allows users to change the language of the user interface for Microsoft Access 2000 database engine and other applications that use Microsoft Jet 4.0
Outlook At Work fax patch AWFAXpat\language Provides localized patch for the Outlook At Work fax feature.
Outlook forms EFDSupp\language Allows users to open forms with localized Electronic Forms Design files.

Note   Global Input Method Editors (Global IMEs) allow users running non-Asian versions of the Microsoft Windows® operating system to type Asian text in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook®, and Internet Explorer.


Installation path for MultiLanguage Pack features

MultiLanguage Pack features can be installed on the user’s hard disk, either all at one time or on demand, or they can be run from a server. When MultiLanguage Pack features are installed on a user’s hard disk, files are stored in the following folders, where LCID is the locale ID of the language.

The Program Files\Microsoft Office9\Office\LCID folder contains the following features:

  • User interface DLL files and other resources
  • Online Help files
  • Localized templates and wizards
  • Default AutoCorrect lists

The Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof folder contains the following features:

  • Hyphenator (Mshy*.dll and Mshy*.lex files)
  • Spelling checker (Msp*.dll, Mssp*.dll, and Mssp*.lex files)
  • Thesaurus (Msth*.dll and Msth*.lex files)
  • Grammar dictionary (Msgr*.lex files)

The Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof\LCID folder contains the following feature:

  • Grammar checker (Msgr*.dll files)

Features that provide a user interface in more than one language have the same file name, but are stored in separate LCID folders. Other features, such as grammar and spelling dictionaries, have unique names and are stored in the same folder.

For example, the file for the English grammar checker is Msgr2en.dll; the Msgr2en.dll file for the English user interface is stored in the 1033 folder, but the Msgr2en.dll file for the Japanese user interface is stored in the 1041 folder. However, the file for the English grammar dictionary is Msgr2en.lex and the file for the Japanese grammar dictionary is Msgr2jp.lex; both files are stored in the Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof folder.


See also

There are special procedures for installing MultiLanguage Pack features that are in the Extras folder of the MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM. For more information, see MultiLanguage Pack Extras.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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