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The Office 2000 Resource Kit

Other Sites of Interest to Administrators

In addition to the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit site, there are several Web sites that feature information and tools designed to address the needs of administrators. The following sites might be of special interest to those of you who deploy and support Office 2000.

Microsoft Office

This Microsoft Office Web site,at, serves as a gateway to dozens of specialized sites that address solutions, strategies, and support issues for the Microsoft Office family of products. You can click Site Index on the home page to get a complete index of all Microsoft sites related to Office 2000 products.

Microsoft TechNet

Microsoft TechNet, at, is a central information and community resource designed for administrators and information technology (IT) professionals. TechNet contains a wealth of information about planning, evaluating, deploying, maintaining, and supporting a range of IT systems.


Office Enterprise Information Center

The Office Enterprise Information Center, at, is dedicated to helping you evaluate and deploy Office 2000 as efficiently as possible within your organization. It includes articles and tools to help you analyze your business needs, deployment scenarios you can study or adapt to fit your requirements, and demos and articles about Office 2000 features that you can share with users throughout your organization.


Office Developer Forum

The Office Developer Forum, at, features articles, tools, and tips for creating programmable solutions by using Microsoft Office 2000. Many topics focus on data access technologies, automation, and developing applications by using Office 2000 components and Visual Basic® for Applications. The site also provides free downloads for controls, utilities, and demos.


Office Update

The Office Update site, at, provides information about Office upgrades and service releases, as well as downloads for add-ins, templates, and utilities. The site also features links to technical support sites for Office 2000 applications.


Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98

The complete contents of the Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98 is still available through the Office Resource Kit Web site, in case you need to refer back to Office 97 or Office 98 information or tools. To view the Office Resource Kit Web site, go to

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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