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Upgrading to Outlook 2000

Sharing Information with Outlook 97 and Outlook 98

Microsoft Outlook 2000 shares information seamlessly with Outlook 97 and Outlook 98 because Outlook 2000 has the same storage formats, Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) profiles, and message formats. Consequently, you can upgrade gradually to Outlook 2000 without losing e-mail and other message functionality. The few exceptions are described in the following sections:

Offline folder file format

The off-line folder (OST) file in Outlook 97 version 8.03 is different in Outlook 2000 and Outlook 98. When you upgrade to Outlook 2000 from versions of Outlook 97 prior to version 8.03, you must recreate the OST file.

HTML-based e-mail

In addition to Rich Text Format (RTF) and plain text (ASCII) format, Outlook 2000 and Outlook 98 support HTML-based e-mail. This format allows users to send messages in HTML format.

Outlook 97 supports only RTF and plain text format, but Outlook 2000 converts and stores HTML in RTF so that Outlook 97 users can read the messages. However, the original HTML might not be displayed correctly in RTF.


Online meetings

Outlook 2000 supports online meetings, which can be hosted by using Microsoft NetMeeting® or Microsoft Windows NT Server NetShow™ Services. Online meeting requests made by using the Outlook 2000 NetMeeting or NetShow Services features appear as in-person meeting requests to Outlook 97 and Outlook 98 users.

If your organization includes Outlook 97 or Outlook 98 users, and you schedule an online meeting by using Outlook 2000, you must identify the meeting format in the content of the message as either NetMeeting or NetShow Services.


Stationery and custom signatures

When you upgrade to Outlook 2000, the Outlook 98 Stationery feature is moved to a new location. Outlook 98 user signatures are preserved in Outlook 2000.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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