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Upgrading to FrontPage 2000

Upgrading from Previous Versions of FrontPage Server Extensions

Each version of Microsoft FrontPage is accompanied by a new version of Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions, which supports the new features. FrontPage Server Extensions are always backward-compatible, supporting features from several previous versions of FrontPage. FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions support all the functionality of FrontPage 2000, FrontPage 98, and FrontPage 97.

When you install FrontPage 2000 or Microsoft Office 2000 on a computer, FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions are automatically installed. If there is an older version of FrontPage Server Extensions on the computer, it is updated.

Note   During the upgrade to FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, the _vti_bin folder and its subfolders are deleted because they are not required for FrontPage 2000 – extended webs.


Using previous-version clients with FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions

You can use FrontPage 97, FrontPage 98, or FrontPage 2000 to work on a web extended with FrontPage Server Extensions from any of those versions. Because each version of FrontPage adds more features, however, each version of FrontPage Server Extensions supports more features than its predecessor. To support all of the new features in FrontPage 2000, you must use FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.

For example, if you use FrontPage 98 to edit a web that has been extended with FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, you can use all the functionality of FrontPage 98 in that web — and no more. Even though the web is extended with FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, FrontPage 98 cannot add functionality unique to FrontPage 2000.

Similarly, if you use FrontPage 2000 to edit a FrontPage 98-extended web, you can use only the FrontPage 2000 features that are supported by FrontPage 98 Server Extensions. The new FrontPage 2000 features do not work.

Note   Microsoft occasionally issues bug fixes and updates for the most recently released version of FrontPage Server Extensions; previous versions are not updated. However, updates to new versions of FrontPage Server Extensions work with FrontPage 97 and later clients.


Upgrading security

FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions and FrontPage 98 Server Extensions implement security differently. In FrontPage 2000, permissions are determined by the access control list (ACL) of the Web site root folder. In FrontPage 98, permissions on a FrontPage-extended web are determined by the ACLs of the files Shtml.dll, Admin.dll, and Author.dll.

When you upgrade a FrontPage 98-extended web to a FrontPage 2000-extended web, security settings are automatically upgraded to the new scheme.

If the anonymous account, IUSR_computername, or a Windows NT group of which the anonymous account is a member, has browsing, authoring, or administrative permissions on the FrontPage 98-extended web being upgraded, it is given only browsing permissions on the upgraded web.


Resetting custom permissions after you upgrade

You can set custom permissions on individual files and folders in a web extended with FrontPage 97 Server Extensions or FrontPage 98 Server Extensions. For example, you can manually adjust ACL settings in Windows NT Explorer. When you subsequently upgrade to FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, however, those custom permissions are reset to their default values.

You cannot preserve custom permission settings when you upgrade to FrontPage 2000. Instead, you must record custom permissions settings before you upgrade to the new version, install FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, and then reset the custom permission settings.


See also

You can upgrade FrontPage-extended webs to use Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) in addition to FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions. For more information, see Installing Office Server Extensions.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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