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Upgrading to Access 2000

Saving Design Changes to a Shared Access Database

You cannot save design changes to a Microsoft Access database while other users are sharing the Access database with you. The only way to ensure that changes are saved is by opening the Access database in exclusive mode.

In general, when you are working in a database in shared mode, and you try to make a design change to an item or to a database object that is not a table or a query, Access temporarily promotes you to exclusive mode for the Access database — if you are the only user of the Access database at that time. When you save all your design changes, and close all the Design view windows, Access returns the Access database to shared mode. In the interim, other users cannot open the Access database.

If another user has the Access database open in shared mode, and you try to make a major design change such as modifying a form, Access alerts you that you might not be able to save your changes. However, if another user has the Access database open in shared mode, and you try to make a minor design change such as changing printer settings, Access does not alert you that you might not be able to save your design changes. In both cases, wait until you are the only user of the Access database so that you can save your major design changes, and Access can save your minor design changes.


Saving major and minor design changes

If you are not the only user who has the Access database open, Access alerts you when you might not be able to save the following major design changes:

  • Changes to database objects (except tables and queries) in Design view.
  • Changes to a form property sheet in Form view.
  • Compiling the project, modifying project properties, or adding or removing a reference in the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Renaming, pasting, or deleting a database object.
  • Saving a database object as another type of database object.
  • Adding or modifying controls on a command bar.
  • Editing custom groups in the Database window.
  • Creating, renaming, moving, and deleting a data access page.

If you are not the only user who has the Access database open, Access does not alert you when you might not be able to save the following minor design changes:

  • Changes to datasheet formatting properties such as line styles and fonts.
  • Freezing, unfreezing, hiding, and showing datasheet columns.
  • Adjusting datasheet column width and row size.
  • Changes to the filter or sort order for a form or datasheet.
  • Changes to the state of a subdatasheet (whether expanded or collapsed).
  • Changes to the OLE/DDE link of an OLE object, or changes to the contents of an unbound object frame.
  • Changes to printer settings.
  • Changes to a command bar, such as the location, and whether the command bar is visible or not invisible.
  • Changes to the layout of the database window.


Sharing Access database design and development

If you are going to share the design of an Access database, consider using the following strategies:

  • Assign specific objects or groups of objects to each developer. For example, one developer can design forms, and another developer can design reports. Then, each developer can work on a private copy of the Access database. When your development team is ready to test, assemble, and produce the database, each developer can export each database object from a private copy of the database to a main Access database.
  • Use a source code control program. For example, you can use a combination of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe® version 6.0, and the Source Code Control add-in that enables Visual Source Safe Code support in Access. This add-in is available from the Microsoft Office 2000 Developer. If you use Visual SourceSafe, it is a good idea to run the Performance Analyzer on a regular basis to maintain optimum performance. To run the Performance Analyzer, on the Tools menu, point to Analyze, and then click Performance.


See also

For information about sharing an Access database on a network, see Microsoft Access online Help.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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