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Converting Files to Office 2000

How to Convert Files to Word 2000, Excel 2000, and PowerPoint 2000

Microsoft Word 2000, Microsoft Excel 2000, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 include converters, add-ins, and filters that work with Office 98, Office 97, Office 95, and Office 4.x file formats — as well as other word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications.

When you open files saved in other file formats, Word 2000, Excel 2000, and PowerPoint 2000 automatically convert the file to the default file format for Office 2000 — the 97-2000 format. To complete the conversion process, save the file in Office 97-2000 format.

During the conversion process, built-in converters, add-ins, and filters preserve most of the original content and formatting. However, Word 2000, Excel 2000, and PowerPoint 2000 contain new features not included in other versions of Office. Other word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications might also have features that work differently from the features in Office 2000.

You can convert files either one at a time or several at a time. The file formats that Word 2000, Excel 2000, and PowerPoint 2000 convert automatically are listed in the Files of type box in the Open and Save As dialog boxes (File menu).

Note   In Excel 2000, the list of file formats varies, depending on which type of sheet is active — worksheet, chart, and so on. For most formats, Excel 2000 converts only the active sheet. To convert the other sheets, switch to each sheet and save it separately by using the Save As dialog box.

If the file type that you want to convert is not listed in the Files of type box, then you must save the file in a format that Office 2000 supports. For example, you can open the file in the original application, and then you can save the file in Rich Text Format (RTF) or plain text, both of which Office 2000 can open.

In Office 2000, you convert a Word, Excel, and PowerPoint file or a file created in another word-processing, spreadsheet, or presentation application by using the Open and Save As dialog boxes (File menu).

To convert a single file

  1. On the File menu, click Open.
  2. In the Files of type box, select a format.
  3. In the File name box, select the file you want to convert.
  4. On the File menu, click Save As, and then enter a new name for your converted file.

Conversion tools are an important element in helping your organization make a smooth transition to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 either from a previous version of Microsoft Office or another application.

For the latest information about new tools for the conversion process, you can connect to the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Web site at The Web site is updated frequently and is a helpful resource when you are planning your organization’s transition to Office 2000.


See also

During the conversion process, some features and formatting might be changed or lost. For more information about sharing files with an earlier version of Office, see Office 2000 Upgrading Reference.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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