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Backing Up and Restoring Microsoft Data Engine Databases

Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) includes a command-line utility named Osql.exe that can be used to back up and restore a Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) database on a disk or tape.

To back up an MSDE database

  1. At a command prompt on the Web server with OSE installed, type the following and press ENTER.

    osql –Usa –Ppassword

    where password is either the password you specified in the OSE Configuration Wizard when you extended your Web site with OSE or the password you specified on the Database Settings page if you changed the database that the Web site uses since the site was first extended with OSE.

    Note   The switches for Osql.exe are case sensitive, and they must be entered as shown above.

  2. To back up the MSDE database on a disk, at the 1> prompt, type the following and press ENTER.

    BACKUP DATABASE database_name TO DISK = file_path

    where database_name is the name of the MSDE collaboration database and file_path is the full path to an existing folder and ends in a file name with a .dat extension.

    By default, the OSE Configuration Wizard names the database websitename_collab, where websitename is the name of the Web site. Enclose file_path in single quotation marks (for example, 'C:\backup\mybackup.dat').

    – or –

    To back up the MSDE database on a tape device, type the following and press ENTER.

    BACKUP DATABASE database_name TO TAPE = tape_device

    where database_name is the name of the MSDE collaboration database and tape_device is the device name of your tape drive (for example, \\.\tape0).

    By default, the OSE Configuration Wizard names the database websitename_collab, where websitename is the name of the Web site.

  3. At the 2> prompt, type GO and press ENTER.

To restore an MSDE database

  1. On the Web server with OSE installed, stop the Office Server Extensions Notification Service by using Services in Control Panel.
  2. At a command prompt, type the following and press ENTER.

    osql –Usa –Ppassword

    where password is either the password you specified in the OSE Configuration Wizard when you extended your Web site with OSE or the password you specified on the Database Settings page if you changed the database the Web site uses since the site was first extended with OSE.

    Note   The switches for Osql.exe are case sensitive, and they must be entered as shown above.

  3. To restore the MSDE database from a disk, at the 1> prompt, type the following and press ENTER.

    RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM DISK = file_path

    where database_name is the name of the MSDE collaboration database and file_path is a full path to an existing backup file enclosed in single quotation marks (for example, 'C:\backup\mybackup.dat').

    If a copy of the database already exists on the local machine, you can append the WITH REPLACE keywords to the command line to replace the existing files with the backup files.

    By default, the OSE Configuration Wizard names the database websitename_collab, where websitename is the name of the Web site.

    – or –

    To restore the MSDE database from a tape device, type the following and press ENTER.

    RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM TAPE = tape_device

    where database_name is the name of the MSDE collaboration database and tape_device is the device name of your tape drive (for example, \\.\tape0).

    By default, the OSE Configuration Wizard names the database websitename_collab, where websitename is the name of the Web site.

  4. At the 2> prompt, type GO and press ENTER.
  5. When the restoration is complete, start the Office Server Extensions Notification Service by using Services in Control Panel.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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