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How to Configure Database Settings on an OSE-extended Web

Each OSE-extended web uses a database to store Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions data. The database is configured when you run the Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) Configuration Wizard, but you can reconfigure it on the Database Settings page, which you get to from the OSE Administration Home Page.

To open the Database Settings page

  1. If you are logged on locally to the Web server with OSE installed, click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Server Extensions, and then click OSE Administrator (HTML).

    – or –

    If you are connecting remotely to the Web server with OSE installed, enter the following URL in your Web browser:


    where site_name is the name of the OSE-extended web.

    When you are connected to the OSE Administration Home Page, you see the name of the server you are connected to at the bottom of the configuration and management pages.

  2. Click Database Settings.

Note   The OSE Administration Home Page can be viewed only with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later.


Verify the integrity of your Web site database

On the Database Settings page, you can verify the integrity of your Web site’s database. The verification checks to see that the tables needed by OSE exist in the database.

To verify database integrity

  1. Open the Database Settings page.
  2. Click Verify Database Integrity.
  3. Click Submit.


Change the database in which you store OSE data

OSE can use the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) database included with OSE, or a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server to store Web Discussions or Web Subscriptions data. Each OSE-extended web can use a different database. Initially, you configure which database to use when you run the OSE Configuration Wizard.

To change the OSE database

  1. On the Database Settings page, specify the name of the SQL Server and the database you want to use.
  2. In the User Id and Password boxes, specify a user ID and password.

    OSE requires a user ID and password to connect to the database. You must configure the database by using the SQL Server Administration program to give access to the user ID and password you specify.

  3. Click Submit.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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