Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Home
 Office 2000 and the Web
 Integrating Office 2000 with Your Intranet
 Using Office Server Extensions
Installing Office Server Extensions
Maintaining Office Server Extensions
Administering Security with Office Server Extensions
Advanced Administration of Office Server Extensions
Architecture of Office Server Extensions
 Overview of Tools and Utilities
Using Office Server Extensions

Maintaining Office Server Extensions

An OSE-extended web is a Web site with Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) installed. Web-based forms make the administration of your OSE-extended Web simple. You can access the Web-based forms locally or remotely from the Web server that is running OSE.

Managing Web Discussions on an OSE-extended Web

How to Configure Web Discussions on an OSE-extended Web

Managing Web Subscriptions on an OSE-extended Web

How to Configure Web Subscriptions on an OSE-extended Web

How to Configure Database Settings on an OSE-extended Web

Backing Up and Restoring Microsoft Data Engine Databases


  Friday, March 5, 1999
© 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.
