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Broadcasting PowerPoint Presentations over the Network

Configuring Client Computers for Presentation Broadcasting

Most presentation broadcasts require significant disk space and network bandwidth, and you can configure client computers to limit Presentation Broadcasting use. To limit Presentation Broadcasting use you can:

  • Set client computers to use default server resources.
  • Restrict the types of broadcasts that users can distribute over your network.

Toolbox   To view a list of all registry entries, descriptions, and default settings for Presentation Broadcasting, see the workbook Presbrod.xls. For information about installing Presbrod.xls, see Office Information.


Setting default values for client computers

You can set default values in the Windows registry to maintain storage control of presentation broadcasts. The following table identifies the Presentation Broadcasting settings that you can adjust on users’ computers.

Setting Description
Presentation files location Default file server path where Microsoft PowerPoint stores presentation files for broadcasts.
Viewing location URL where viewers of a presentation broadcast point their Web browsers.
Record Options to enable recording by default and specify a default file server path for recorded broadcasts. If you do not set this option, PowerPoint saves the ASF file in the default presentations file folder, and you can copy the entire folder to a CD-ROM for distribution.
Chat information Default Chat server and Chat room.
Encoder information NetShow Encoder server name and IP port that NetShow Services connects to when reading the ASF stream. To ensure that client computers receive the entire stream, specify the time delay that NetShow Encoder waits before shutting down at the end of a broadcast.
Windows Media Player file locations Location for media player files used during presentation broadcasts.
Test audio and video URLs Location of Web sites that contain test audio and video used to set up a broadcast.
Help URL Location of site where users go when they click the Help button during a broadcast.
E-mail address to include on broadcasts Address added to the To line of a broadcast schedule form; can be used to send a copy of broadcast invitations to administrators whenever a broadcast is scheduled.

Tip   In Microsoft Outlook, the e-mail address is also added to the resources field of the broadcast schedule form, so you can automatically add a NetShow server account as a resource. Then, you set rules on the NetShow server account to accept or reject broadcast requests based on criteria such as how many users have scheduled the server within a specific time period. By using this method, you can automatically load-balance your NetShow server.

You can also specify the following values for client computers to control NetShow Services use, which is required when a presentation is broadcast to more than 15 viewers.

Setting Description
NetShow server Name of the NetShow server.
Presentation files location for NetShow server Location from which the NetShow server picks up the presentation files for broadcast. This location can be different from the shared location specified for the broadcast. Using a different location can improve performance for broadcasts that are viewed by 1,000 users or more.
Multicast IP address and port IP address and port on which the NetShow server makes the broadcast stream available. The address and port combination must be unique on the NetShow server.
Bandwidth rates Throughput rates for file transfers used before and during the broadcast.
Router Time to Live (TTL) Number of routers a broadcast can travel through on your network before being terminated. Helps control network traffic and prevent router bottlenecks.
Timeout Number of seconds that PowerPoint waits to connect to the NetShow server before timing out.
Error correction The percentage of the streamed data that is used for error correction information. Error correction information ensures an accurate broadcast stream, but the more data you include, the more bandwidth is required.
Unicast enable Option to allow viewing of one-to-one streamed broadcasts from the NetShow server if the network is not enabled for multicast (one-to-many) streams.
ASD location URL for the ASD file that NetShow Encoder uses. The ASD file describes how to encode the stream.
Session delete time Amount of time that a session remains on the NetShow server before it is deleted.
Administration URLs URLs where required multicast files are located and log files are created.
Contact information and copyright Contact address, e-mail address, and phone number to associate with the broadcast. Copyright notice attached to the broadcast.
About NetShow Services URL URL where users are directed when they click About NetShow Services when setting up a broadcast.

System Policy Tip   You can use system policies to set default values for Presentation Broadcasting options for all users in your organization. In the System Policy Editor, set the policies available under Microsoft PowerPoint 2000\Slide Show | Online Broadcast | Set Up and Schedule. For more information about the System Policy Editor, see Using the System Policy Editor.


Restricting broadcast types

To conserve network bandwidth and resources, you can configure client computers to disable the following broadcast features.

  • Audio

    When you disable the audio feature, it remains in the broadcast ASF stream but it is muted, so network bandwidth for audio is still required.

  • Video

    When you disable the video feature, you substantially reduce the network bandwidth that presentation broadcasts use.

  • Recording

    When you disable the recording feature, you conserve disk space and the extra processor capacity that is required to record broadcasts.

The Windows registry of each client computer stores the default values for these broadcast features.


See also

The Office Custom Installation Wizard lets you set options on client computers during installation. You can use this feature to configure default settings for Presentation Broadcasting. For more information, see Office Custom Installation Wizard.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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