Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Home
 Office 2000 and the Web
 Integrating Office 2000 with Your Intranet
Using Office with a Web Server
Using Office Documents in a Web World
Managing Communications on Your Intranet
Broadcasting PowerPoint Presentations over the Network
Managing Web Sites on Your Intranet with FrontPage
 Using Office Server Extensions
 Overview of Tools and Utilities
Integrating Office 2000 with Your Intranet

Managing Communications on Your Intranet

Microsoft Office 2000 helps you and your users communicate over an intranet in new and sophisticated ways. By using Microsoft OutlookŪ 2000 options, including the ability to send HTML-based e-mail messages, your organization can take advantage of your intranet to exchange enhanced and dynamic information.

Organizing and Sharing Information with Outlook 2000

Outlook 2000 and Internet Standards

Sending Office Documents as HTML-based E-mail

Publishing Calendar Information on an Intranet or the Web

How to Use Outlook Web Features


  Friday, March 5, 1999
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