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Supplemental Documentation

Office Information

A collection of files included with the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit provides details and settings information about a variety of components. The following table lists the files and describes what they contain.

File name Description
Cfgquiet.ini Contains default settings for the Microsoft Office Server Extension log file.
FileList.xls Lists all files provided with Office 2000.
Formats.doc Lists supported data formats and installed OLE DB providers.
IE5Feats.xls Notes the Office features that degrade with previous versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Opc.doc Explains the syntax in files used by the Removal Wizard so that administrators can customize the removal of applications.
Oseamain.xls Lists command-line arguments and commands that you can use with Fpsrvadm.exe.
Presbrod.xls Lists the registry entries, descriptions, and default settings for Presentation Broadcasting.
Pubregkey.xls Contains registry key values for Publisher
RegKey.xls Lists default registry key values.
SetupRef.xls Lists Office Setup command-line options, properties, and settings file formats.
StopWord.doc Contains the list of words not indexed by the Find Fast utility.
WebEnt.xls Lists all entry points to the Web from within Office and describes how to disable them.


Installing the files

These files are automatically installed on your computer when you install the Office Resource Kit. To locate a file, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Documents, and then click Office Information.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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