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Customizable Alerts

A custom error message, also known as a custom alert, is a message capable of linking to an external source (such as a Web page). Some message dialog boxes can contain a button with customized text that, when clicked, goes to a specified URL. This functionality allows you to add your own information to the message. For example, you can acknowledge a problem, give the estimated time when you expect it to be fixed, and provide a phone number or e-mail address to contact for assistance.

The Microsoft Office Resource Kit includes a spreadsheet that can help you create ASP scripts to handle custom messages, as well as a number of ASP and HTM files containing examples. The following table lists the sample files.

File name Description
Alert.asp Sample ASP page for an error message
Alert.htm Sample HTML page for an error message
Alert2.asp Sample ASP page with a response form
Alert2a.asp Sample ASP page with embedded JavaScript
ASPscrpt.xls Spreadsheet used to create or update ASP script
Errormsg.xls ID numbers for all error message in Office 2000
Nyi.htm Sample HTML page for a “Not yet implemented” error


Installing the files

Sample files for customizable alerts are automatically installed on your computer when you install the Office Resource Kit. To locate the files, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Documents, and then click Customizable Alerts.


See also

For more information, see Customizing Built-in Error Messages.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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