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  Web Sites of Interest to Administrators  

Web Sites of Interest to Administrators

Microsoft provides several Web sites that feature information and tools designed to address the needs of administrators. The following sites might be of special interest to those of you who deploy and support Microsoft Office XP.

Microsoft Office home page

This Microsoft Office home page, at, provides overview information about the Microsoft family of products. The site includes feature guides, evaluation information, deployment support, and links to a wide range of resources designed to help you get the most out of your applications. You can click Site Index on the home page to view an index of all Microsoft sites related to recent Office products and solutions.

Microsoft Office Web site

The Microsoft Office Web site, at, serves as a gateway to dozens of specialized sites that address solutions, strategies, and support issues for the Microsoft Office family of products. The site provides links to such areas as the Templates Gallery, the Office Assistance Center, and Office Update, as well as related sites covering platform, developer, and international issues.

Office Resource Kit

The Office Resource Kit Web site, at, provides the complete set of content and tools featured in the Office Resource Kit. The site is updated frequently to keep you current on topics such as service releases, security issues, and strategies and tactics for deployment. Links to previous editions of the Office Resource Kit for Office 2000 and Office 97/98 are included at the bottom of the left pane of the site's home page.

Microsoft Product Support Services

The Microsoft Product Support Services site, at, provides links to such resources as the searchable Knowledge Base, the Download Center, and the Customer Support site. You'll also find links to support phone numbers, online support requests, and worldwide support resources.

MSDN Office Developer Center

The Office Developer Web site, at, features articles, tools, and tips for creating programmable solutions using Microsoft Office XP. Topics focus on such areas as data access, automation, and developing applications with Office components and Visual Basic® for Applications.

Microsoft Windows

The Microsoft Windows site, at, provides links to information on both present and past versions of the Windows family of products. Within the site, you can browse to the Windows 2000 Home Page to discover resources such as the Technical Library, the Windows resource kits, and other support information.

Microsoft BackOffice Server

The Microsoft BackOffice Server Web site, at, provides information on this comprehensive server suite for the Microsoft Windows® 2000 operating system. The site includes deployment and support information on Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000, as well as the many other components included with BackOffice® Server.

Microsoft TechNet

Microsoft TechNet, at, is a general information and community resource for administrators and information technology (IT) professionals. TechNet contains a wealth of information about planning, evaluating, deploying, maintaining, and supporting a range of IT systems.

Office Sites Worldwide

International customers can visit the Office Sites Worldwide site, at, to find links to localized Microsoft Office sites around the world.


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