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Office Resource Kit / Worldwide Deployment / Deploying Office Internationally
Topics in this chapter
  Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Sample Customizations for Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Installing Proofing Tools  
  Customizing Language Features  

Installing Proofing Tools

Microsoft Office XP Proofing Tools includes spelling and grammar checkers, thesauruses, and AutoCorrect lists that help users create and edit Office documents in more than 30 languages. Proofing tools for all languages are included on a single CD, but you can install the tools for only the languages that users need.

In addition, proofing tools are included in the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack.

Hard-disk space requirements for Proofing Tools vary by language. Proofing tools for most languages requires about 20 MB of hard-disk space in addition to what Office requires. However, Asian languages require as much as 120 MB of hard-disk space in addition to what Office requires — including the necessary fonts and Input Method Editors (IMEs).

You can install Office XP Proofing Tools at the same time that you deploy Microsoft Office XP, or separately from Office.

Installing Office XP Proofing Tools separately from Office

When you install Proofing Tools separately from Office, you can install Proofing Tools for one user or all users in your organization. When you customize for all users at once, you can deploy Proofing Tools customized in a standard way for everyone. This simplifies your deployment and allows you to control the deployment process.

To install Proofing Tools on a single computer

  1. On the Office XP Proofing Tools CD, run Setup.exe.

  2. On the Select Feature Installation States page, select the languages you want to install and set the appropriate installation states.

  3. Click Install.

To install Proofing Tools throughout your organization, you create an administrative installation point on a server by running Setup.exe with the /a command-line option. All users in your organization can then install Proofing Tools from this location.

You can customize the installation by using the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform (MST file) that includes settings for the language features you want users to install. If users install Proofing Tools over the network using the transform, they will receive your customizations.

Using a transform, you can omit a language feature from the installation by setting the feature to Not Available, Hidden, Locked on the Set Feature Installation States page of the wizard. Users cannot change the installation state of a feature marked as Not Available, Hidden, Locked during Setup, nor can they add or remove the feature later by using Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.

Toolbox   The Office XP Resource Kit includes the Custom Installation Wizard, which is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Custom Installation Wizard in the Toolbox.

To create a transform to customize a Proofing Tools installation

  1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

  2. When prompted for an MSI file, enter (or browse to) the Ptk.msi file from the administrative installation point.

  3. On the Set Feature Installation States page, select the languages you want to install and set the appropriate installation states.

Note   If Office is already installed, the installation states for Proofing Tools that you install will match the installation states of the Office installation.

For your customizations to be applied when users run Setup from the administration installation point, Setup must be instructed to use your custom transform. You can use the TRANSFORMS= command-line option to specify this transform, or you can specify the transform in Setup.ini.

For example, users might use the following command line:

\\server1\Proof\setup.exe /q TRANSFORMS=\\server1\Proof\Proof.mst

Or you could add the following entry to your Setup.ini file:


Tip   To install only a few languages, set the installation state of the entire Microsoft Office XP Proofing Tools feature in the transform to Not Available. Then expand the feature tree, select the languages you want, and set them to another installation state.

Installing Office XP Proofing Tools with Office

If you deploy language resources from Office XP Proofing Tools at the same time that you deploy Office XP, you can chain the installations together so that they are installed on a user's computer during the same operation.

To do this, you create a custom Setup.ini file for Office Setup that includes the MSI package for Proofing Tools. You can use the Setup INI Customization Wizard to update the Setup.ini file to include Proofing Tools, or you can modify your Setup.ini file manually.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file for your Office deployment. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

To include Proofing Tools in your Office installation

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.

  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next. In this example, you might select:


  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package. For each package you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.

Alternatively, you can manually edit your Setup.ini file on your Office administrative installation point. For example, you could add a section similar to the following:


This example assumes that your Proofing Tools administrative image is in the same folder as your Office administrative image.

Tip   If your Proofing Tools administrative image is located in the same folder as your Office administrative image, you should specify all paths as relative paths as in the above example. Using a relative path will allow you to copy your administrative image to new servers later, if necessary, without updating the INI file to use the new server name. If your Proofing Tools administrative image is located in a different folder (and possibly different server) than your Office administrative image, you should specify paths as absolute paths (for example, \\server1\proof\ptk.msi).

Now users can install Office and Proofing Tools together by running Office Setup. Office Setup runs Proofing Tools after the Office installation is complete.

Note   This chaining technique does not work when deploying by using Windows 2000 IntelliMirror technology, since IntelliMirror does not use Setup technology for installation. See Using Windows 2000 Software Installation for information on deploying Office with IntelliMirror.

See also

You may need to provide Proofing Tools in one language while including MUI Pack support in another language for a group of users. For more information about customizing your Office deployment with different combinations of language resources for different users, see Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack.

You have customization options when you install Proofing Tools together with Office. For more information about chained deployments, see Including Additional Packages in the Office Installation.

For more information about using the Custom Installation Wizard to create transforms, see Customizing the Office Installation.


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