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Office Resource Kit / Worldwide Deployment / Deploying Office Internationally
Topics in this chapter
  Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Sample Customizations for Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Installing Proofing Tools  
  Customizing Language Features  

Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack

Plug-in language capability in Microsoft Office XP is provided by the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI Pack). You have great flexibility in customizing and installing the language files your organization needs. For example, you can customize Office to install with MUI Pack files by chaining your installation, or you can customize and install language files after deploying Office. In addition, although the MUI Pack and Office XP are installed from different CDs, each can be deployed from the same or a different administrative installation point.

MUI Pack components and installation process

Office XP and its language components give you flexibility in how you deploy Office and the Multilingual User Interface Pack for your organization. For example, you can create a separate administrative installation point for the MUI Pack, or multiple installation points for different groups of languages. Or you can include Office and MUI Pack files on the same installation point.

The Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack comes with its own setup program. Each language has its own package (MSI file) and can be customized individually. When you install the MUI Pack, you can make language files available to users on demand, instead of copying files to users' computers; or you can choose to copy the language files to users' hard disks. The MUI Pack works with Windows Installer to install the necessary files only when users run Office XP with a particular language configuration.

You can also choose to let users customize their own installation of language files, selecting from the language files that you make available on the administrative installation point.

MUI Pack components

The MUI Pack for Office XP has the following components:

  • MUI Packs (Lpk.msi files)

    There is one package (MSI file) per language.

  • Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard (Lpkwiz.msi)

    Used by Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup, this wizard file allows users to choose languages from the administrative installation point to install on their computers.

  • Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup (Lpksetup.exe)

    You use this setup program with the /a option to copy languages you select to create an administrative installation point. Users can also deploy MUI Packs themselves by running this program to call the MUI Pack Wizard.

  • System Files Update (Osp.msi)

    This contains required Office XP system and shared files for different languages.

By using these components, you can create a customized multilingual deployment suited to your organization's needs.

Locale Identifiers for each language

In some deployment scenarios, you must know the locale identifier (LCID) for a language in order to install the correct MUI Pack. Multilingual User Interface Packs are installed on the administrative installation point under folder names by their corresponding locale identifier.

The following table lists languages for which the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack includes MUI Packs; it also lists the corresponding locale identifiers.

Language Locale identifier (LCID)
Arabic 1025
Basque 1069
Bulgarian 1026
Catalan 1027
Chinese (Simplified) 2052
Chinese (Traditional) 1028
Croatian 1050
Czech 1029
Danish 1030
Dutch 1043
English (U.S.) 1033
Estonian 1061
Finnish 1035
French 1036
Galician 1110
German 1031
Greek 1032
Gujarati 1095
Hebrew 1037
Hindi 1081
Hungarian 1038
Iberian Portuguese 2070
Indonesian 1057
Irish 2108
Italian 1040
Japanese 1041
Kannada 1099
Korean 1042
Latvian 1062
Lithuanian 1063
Marathi 1102
Norwegian (Bokmal) 1044
Polish 1045
Portuguese (Brazilian) 1046
Punjabi 1094
Romanian 1048
Russian 1049
Serbian (Latin) 2074
Slovak 1051
Slovenian 1060
Spanish 3082
Swedish 1053
Tamil 1097
Telugu 1098
Thai 1054
Turkish 1055
Ukranian 1058
Urdu 1056
Vietnamese 1066
Welsh 1106

Overview of the deployment process

Your deployment process will depend on whether you install the Multilingual User Interface Pack with or after installing Office and other options.

Note    Be sure that your client machines have the proper language support for MUI Pack installation before you deploy MUI Packs. For example, ensure that the proper fonts are installed on users' machines. For more information about preparing client machines for a multilingual environment, see Preparing Users' Computers for International Use.

In general, follow these steps to deploy the Multilingual User Interface Pack:

  1. Create an administrative installation point for Office XP.

  2. Create an administrative installation point for the MUI Pack files you will deploy in your installation (this can be the same location as the Office installation point).

  3. Customize your MUI Pack installation.

    Create a customized transform for Office, for individual MUI Packs, or for both. For an Office transform, you can include language settings stored with other Office settings in an Office profile settings file (OPS file), if you choose, as well as language settings you select in the Custom Installation Wizard. For a MUI Pack transform, you can customize feature states and setup properties.

    Note that language settings — such as the Help language and installed version of Microsoft Office — cannot be set when customizing individual MUI Pack installations. Instead, customize these settings when you deploy Office.

  4. Configure Setup.ini to chain the installation of one or more languages with your Office deployment

  5. Deploy Office to your users, together with selected MUI Packs (if you choose).

    Note that while Office usually must be installed on users' computers before the MUI Pack files, you can turn off this requirement by using the Setup property CHECKINSTALLORDER. You specify this option when you cannot ensure the deployment order for the components being installed. These circumstances might apply to deployments that use Microsoft Windows® 2000 IntelliMirror® technology or Systems Management Server.

  6. Install one or more MUI Packs (possibly in addition to MUI Packs you have already installed with Office) by using a separate Setup.ini customization or by allowing users to choose MUI Packs with the Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard.

Note   When you install Office XP with the Multilingual User Interface Pack, or when you install individual MUI Packs, all corresponding Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack files on users' computers are deleted by default. If you plan to keep some Office 2000 applications, however, you can retain the Office 2000 language packs. Specify KEEPLPK9=1 in Setup.ini or in a transform for each Office XP MUI pack that you install. To retain Office 2000 Proofing Tools, specify KEEPPTK9 = 1.

Create an administrative installation point for the MUI Pack

You run the Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup program (Lpksetup.exe) in administrative mode to install the MUI Pack to an administrative installation point located on the server.

The Multilingual User Interface Pack consists of language files on multiple CDs. If you want to use languages on different CDs, you must run Lpksetup.exe separately for each CD you need. You can add language files to an existing administrative installation point by specifying the same location each time.

The procedure below assumes that you create an administrative installation point on a computer using Microsoft Windows 2000. You can, instead, create an administrative installation point on a computer using the Microsoft Windows NT®, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) operating systems. However, the computer used to create the admin image must have the correct code page (or pages) installed that corresponds to the MUI Packs that you are copying to the installation point. Otherwise, only the languages that are supported by the system will be copied. If you are creating an admin image for multiple languages that use different code pages, use a Windows NT or Windows 2000 computer. (Windows 98 and Windows Me support only one code page at a time.)

Note   System Files Update files are automatically copied to the installation point with the MUI Pack files. However, if you choose to create an installation point for your MUI Pack files that is separate from Office, you must manually copy the additional languages' System Files Update files to your Office installation point to ensure that the client computer receives the System Files Update files that match the language of the operating system.

To create an administrative installation point for the Multilingual User Interface Pack

  1. Create a share on a network server for the administrative installation point.

    The folder must be at least one level below the top level: for example, \\server\share\office. Also, the share must be large enough to store the resources for the languages that you need. Multilingual User Interface Pack disk-space requirements are approximately 150 MB to 350 MB per MUI Pack.

  2. On a computer running Windows 2000, with write access to the share, connect to the server share.

    Note that you can create an administrative installation point on a computer using the Microsoft Windows NT®, Microsoft Windows 98, or Microsoft Windows Millennium (Windows Me) operating systems. However you may need to take special steps to ensure you have the correct code page, as described earlier.

  3. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse to locate the Multilingual User Interface Pack CD.

  4. On the Multilingual User Interface Pack CD, select Lpksetup.exe and click Open.

  5. On the command line, following Lpksetup.exe, type /a and click OK.

  6. When prompted by Lpksetup.exe, enter the organization name you want to define for all users who install the Multilingual User Interface Pack from administrative installation point, then click Next.

  7. Enter the server and the share that you created and click Next.

    Note that if you want to install only the System Files Update files for the languages available on this CD, select the check box before clicking Next.

  8. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to include on this installation point.

Note that languages that are not available on the current CD will appear dimmed on this page. You can add languages from other CDs to the same administrative installation point by running Lpksetup.exe /a with additional MUI Pack CDs and specifying the same network server location.

Customize MUI Pack language options

You can customize your Office XP deployment with the Multilingual User Interface Pack to include specific language settings, and to specify which languages you want to deploy. You can specify language settings as part of your Office customization, or modify settings after installing Office and the Multilingual User Interface Pack.

When you deploy MUI Packs customized in an Office transform as part of your Office deployment, you can include language settings stored with other Office settings in an Office profile settings file (OPS file), if you choose, as well as language settings you select in the Custom Installation Wizard. For a MUI Pack transform, you can only customize feature states and Setup properties.

Note   If you want to enforce certain language settings and not allow users to change them, you can specify settings for users with system policies. In the Office policies template (Office1.adm), specify policies under Language Settings. For more information about using system policies, see How to Set System Policies.

Include language settings in an Office transform

You can define language settings when you create a custom Office transform as part of your Office XP deployment. You can save and apply the language settings in two ways: by using a profile settings file (OPS file) created with the Office Profile Wizard, or by specifying language settings in the Custom Installation Wizard directly when customizing Office.

Save language settings in an OPS file

When you run Office to specify language settings and user preferences, you can use the Profile Wizard to store the settings in an OPS file. The OPS file becomes part of a customized installation of Office. Because the choice of editing languages affects the functionality of certain applications, you can create unique OPS files for different groups of users based on the languages they are using.

In general, follow these steps to configure and capture language settings by using the Office Profile Wizard.

  1. Install Office on the test machine, along with the Multilingual User Interface Pack files for the languages you want to install.

  2. Customize the Office environment and language settings.

  3. Save the settings in an OPS file by using the Office Profile Wizard.

Note   The Office Profile Wizard stores and retrieves Office XP customizations. By using the Profile Wizard, you can create and deploy a standard user profile when you deploy Office10BD so that all of your users start off with the same settings. For more information about the Profile Wizard and OPS files, see Using the Office Profile Wizard.

Install Office and the MUI Pack on a test computer

Install Microsoft Office on a test computer by using Office Setup (Setup.exe) on the CD for your edition of Office. Then install the MUI Pack files that you want to customize by using the MUI Pack Setup (Lpksetup.exe) program. The MUI Pack Setup program starts the Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup Wizard, which will step you through installing the MUI Pack files that you choose. You can specify language settings (such as the Help language) during the Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup installation, or by using the Language Settings tool after Office and the MUI Packs have been installed.

Capture settings in an OPS file

Typically, most users creating multilingual documents rarely work with more than three languages. Limiting the number of editing languages results in a user interface that is less cluttered and allows Office applications to run efficiently for particular languages.

You can specify the following language settings for users:

  • Install Language: Sets defaults for Office applications and documents. Also called the default version of Office.

  • User Interface Language: Determines language used by menus and dialogs.

  • Help Language: Determines language used for end-user Help.

  • Editing Languages: Exposes functionality for editing documents in those particular languages.

You set these values for your installation on your test computer, then save them with other settings to customize users' computers.

To capture language feature settings by using the Microsoft Office Profile Wizard

  1. Click Start, Programs, Microsoft Office Tools.

  2. In the Microsoft Office Language Settings page, click the Enabled Languages tab.

  3. Select the languages to use for user interface, online Help, and editing.

    Users can change these default settings later by running the Language Settings utility themselves (unless system policies are in place that enforce settings).

  4. Set the value of Default version of Microsoft Office to the installation language you want for your users.

  5. Start Office, and specify any additional user settings.

  6. Start the Office Profile Wizard and save your settings in an OPS file.

You then include the OPS file in the Custom Installation Wizard when you create a transform that is applied when Office XP is installed.

Specify language settings with the Custom Installation Wizard

Instead of — or in addition to — using an OPS file to specify and save language customizations, you can specify language settings in the Custom Installation Wizard. Your customizations are then saved in a transform (MST file).

To specify language settings in the Custom Installation Wizard

  1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, on the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Office XP (user).

  2. Navigate the tree under Language Settings, and select the language options that you want for your deployment.

    For example, to set the user interface language, click User Interface, then double-click Display menus and dialog boxes in. In the Display menus and dialog boxes in Properties dialog, click Apply Changes, and then choose a language from the drop-down menu.

Note   The settings you specify in the Change Office User Settings page take precedence over settings you include in an OPS file in the same transform.

Create a MUI Pack transform

You might choose to install additional MUI Packs after Office, or to install all MUI Packs separately from Office. You create a MUI Pack transform when you want to customize the way that a particular MUI Pack is installed. An advantage of deploying MUI Packs with Office is that you can customize language settings in your Office transform, which you cannot do with a MUI Pack transform.

Settings you can customize in a MUI Pack transform are:

  • Features states

  • Setup properties

Note   You customize default language settings in your Office deployment. You cannot include these settings in a MUI Pack transform. If you have already deployed Office, you can modify language settings by using the Custom Maintenance Wizard with Office.

If you are deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack using Windows 2000 IntelliMirror, you must include a separate transform for each MUI Pack, in which you set the CHECKINSTALLORDER Setup property to False. By using IntelliMirror for your deployment, you cannot guarantee the order in which components are installed, so MUI Packs might be installed before Office. Usually, this is disallowed. However, by setting this property, MUI Packs can be installed on a user's computer even if Office is not yet installed.

Note   When you deploy Office XP and the Multilingual User Interface Pack with SMS, you can specify the CHECKINSTALLORDER Setup property in individual MUI Pack transforms, or provide the property as a command-line option.

To customize feature states and Setup properties in a transform for a MUI Pack

  1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, on the Open MSI File page, enter (or browse to) the name of the MSI file for the MUI Pack you want to customize.

  2. On the Set Feature Installation States page, open Office Shared Features.

  3. By opening International Support, you can choose installation states for fonts (for example, for Japanese Font).

  4. By opening Proofing Tools, you can choose installation states for proofing tools available in the Multilingual User Interface Pack.

  5. On the Modify Setup Properties page, choose or add Setup properties that you want to include in the MUI Pack transform.

    To modify an existing property, click the property, then click Modify. For example, click NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION, then click Modify. Select Do not match feature states during installation from the drop-down menu, then click OK.

Note   If you make any changes in the transform for a MUI Pack, you must specify NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION property as Do not match feature states during installation for the transform to take effect.

Or click Add and enter a property name and value. For example, enter CHECKINSTALLORDER in the Name field and False in the Value field, then click OK.

Specify language-specific feature installation states

When you select language-specific features on the Set Feature Installation States page, keep in mind the following:

  • If your users work with a right-to-left language (Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, or Urdu) and their operating system can support right-to-left text, install the Bidirectional Support feature on users' computers.

  • If your users work with Asian, Georgian, Armenian, Hindi or Tamil text and they are not running a matching language version of Windows, install the Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Georgian, Armenian, Hindi, or Tamil fonts on users' computers. These features are included under Office Shared, International Support.

  • If your users need a full Unicode font — for example, if they are working with Access datasheets that include languages that use more than one code page — install the Universal font on users' computers.

Note   For users running a non-Asian version of Windows NT that is earlier than version 4.0 SP 6a, do not install more than two of the Asian or Universal font choices. These fonts include many characters and might not display properly if more than two of them are installed on a computer running earlier versions of Windows NT 4.0.

Allow users to choose languages to install

Users can use the MUI Pack Wizard to select their own languages to install from the languages you make available by including them on an administrative installation point. Users gain access to the wizard by double-clicking Lpksetup.exe on the administrative installation point. This starts the MUI Pack Wizard (Lpkwiz.msi), which steps users through choosing the languages they want installed on their computers.

The MUI Pack Wizard does not have a silent mode. It is used interactively to install MUI Packs on a user's computer.

Note   Although the Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard is named with an .msi extension, it does not behave like a typical MSI file. For example, you cannot advertise it, and you cannot customize it by using the Custom Installation Wizard or the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

To manually choose the MUI Pack languages to install

  1. On the administrative installation point, click on Lpksetup.exe to start the MUI Pack Wizard.

  2. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to install.

  3. On the Choose the current languages to use page, specify the language settings for the languages.

    If you choose Auto Select, no changes are made to the current settings.

  4. On the Choose the type of installation you need page, choose Install Now, or select another install type.

Customize and install the MUI Pack with an Office installation

If you know the language requirements of your organization at the time that you are deploying Office, it is straightforward to install MUI Packs at the same time by chaining your MUI Pack installation with your Office installation.

To chain your MUI Pack installation, first install the MUI Packs on your administrative installation point. Then use the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe) to add a section for each MUI Pack that you want to chain with your Office installation.

You can create a separate transform for each language to select the language-specific features you want to be available for your users. For example, in a transform specific to an individual MUI Pack, you can change feature states, specify additional server, and modify or add properties. However, you must customize language settings (such as specifying the user interface language) in the Custom Installation Wizard with other Office settings and save them in your Office transform.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file for your Office deployment. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

There are two properties that you might want to set for your chained installation with MUI Packs:

  • The CHECKINSTALLORDER property allows the MUI Pack files to be installed before Office is installed. Set this property to False when the installation order for a chained deployment cannot be determined in advance; for example, with SMS or Windows IntelliMirror deployments.

  • Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack Setup automatically matches MUI Pack feature installation states to the corresponding features in the core English version of Office. If you specify different installation states for MUI Pack features in a transform, you must set the NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION property to Do not match feature states during installation to override the default matching behavior.

To customize Setup.ini to chain MUI Pack packages to your Office installation

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.
  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.

  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package. For each package you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.

    If you are deploying using SMS or Windows 2000 IntelliMirror, select each package, click Advanced Properties, enter the property CHECKINSTALLORDER, and set it to False.

    If you want to maintain feature state settings for one or more of your MUI Packs, select each package, enter the property NOFEATURESTATEMIGRATION, and set it to True.

  4. Click Next.

Customize and install the MUI Pack after an Office installation

You can install the MUI Pack packages after your Office installation, rather than chaining the installation with Office. If you create an administrative installation point that includes the Multilingual User Interface Pack, you can simplify and control the deployment process. For example, you can standardize installation of language resources for all the users in your organization.

As with a combined Office and the Multilingual User Interface Pack scenario, you can configure language settings in your Office transform. If you want to change the language settings after you install the MUI Packs, you use the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

Note   Another option is for users to configure their own language settings. This option is available, for example, if users run the MUI Pack Wizard to choose and install the languages they select over the network from the MUI Pack administrative installation point.

Customize and install additional MUI Packs after Office

You might chain one or more MUI Packs with your Office deployment, or install Office without any MUI Packs. Then, later, you can chain together the deployment of additional MUI Packs.

Suppose you want to deploy the Microsoft Office XP French, Spanish, and Vietnamese Language Packs after your initial deployment of Office.

To chain packages, you customize the Setup INI file for one of the MUI Packs by using the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe). (A Setup.ini file is included in each MUI Pack folder.) Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the wizard provides a convenient interface for adding and customizing chained packages.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

To customize Setup to chain additional language features to an Office deployment

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to the folder for one of the MUI Packs on your administrative installation point.

    For example, to use the folder for the French Language Pack files, you might enter:


  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.

    In this example, to include Spanish (3082) and Vietnamese (1066) in addition to French, you might select:




    Use the Search Directory for More MSIs… button to list all the MSI files in a directory tree.

  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package. For each package, you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.

Users can now install this group of MUI Packs by running the Setup command line in the French Language Pack folder. For example:

\\server1\share\office\1036\setup.exe /qb-

Modify Office language settings

After Microsoft Office has been deployed, you might want to change the language settings you originally deployed with Office. In this case, you modify your Office installation with the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

To change language settings for an Office installation

  1. Start the Custom Maintenance Wizard.

  2. On the Open the MSI File page, specify the Office MSI file. For example:


  3. On the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Office XP (User).

  4. Navigate the tree under Language Settings, and select the language options that you want for your deployment.

    For example, to enable additional editing languages for the MUI Packs you are installing, click Enabled Languages, then select French, Vietnamese, and Spanish in the right-hand pane.

After saving the customizations, apply the CMW file to users' computers. For example:

\\server1\share\office\maintwiz.exe /c Langupdate.cmw

Toolbox   The Custom Maintenance Wizard allows you to modify an existing Office installation. The Help file included with the wizard includes details about how to make changes to your installation. The Custom Maintenance Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Custom Maintenance Wizard.

Allow users to install additional MUI Packs

You can also allow users to install individual MUI Packs over the network from an administrative installation point.

To install MUI Pack files on a single computer

  1. On the Multilingual User Interface Pack installation point that contains the languages you want to install (or from the CD that includes the MUI Packs you want to install), run Lpksetup.exe to start the MUI Pack Wizard.

  2. On the Available Languages page, choose the languages you want to install.

  3. On the Choose the current languages to use page, specify the language settings for the languages.

    If you choose Auto Select, no changes are made to the current settings.

  4. On the Choose the type of installation you need page, choose Install Now, or select another installation type.

Use Systems Management Server to deploy Office and the MUI Pack

Systems Management Server provides a flexible and powerful tool for deploying software. You can deploy Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack or Proofing Tools with Systems Management Server. First, customize your Office installation by using the Custom Installation Wizard to create transforms for Office and the multilingual features you are deploying. Then deploy Office by creating SMS Packages and distributing them to selected clients.

You cannot control the order in which components are deployed with Systems Management Server. Because of this, you must set the CHECKORDER property to FALSE when configuring your Office deployment. This allows the Multilingual User Interface Pack files to be installed even if Office is not.

For more information on using SMS for software deployment, see the Microsoft Systems Management Server Web site at

Use Windows 2000 IntelliMirror to deploy Office with the MUI Pack

Windows 2000 IntelliMirror provides a software deployment and systems management solution designed to support Windows 2000 clients.

By default, Office must be installed before MUI Pack files are installed. However, when you deploy with Systems Management Server and Windows 2000 IntelliMirror, you cannot specify the order in which components are installed. To prevent installation errors, you set a property (CHECKINSTALLORDER) when you configure your Office installation. This property allows Office and MUI Pack files to be installed in any order.

For more information on deploying Office with IntelliMirror, see Using Windows 2000 Software Installation.

See also

In addition to specifying language features and providing support for international users, you can customize many other aspects of your Office installation. For more information about customizing Office with the Custom Installation Wizard, see Customizing the Office Installation.

You can use the Office Profile Wizard to save language-related settings to a file you distribute as part of a custom installation of Office. For more information about the Profile Wizard and profile settings files (OPS files), see Using the Office Profile Wizard.


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