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Office Resource Kit / Deployment / Deploying on Windows NT 4.0
Topics in this chapter
  Deployment Issues Specific to Windows NT 4.0  
  Using Windows Installer Shortcuts with Office  

Deployment Issues Specific to Windows NT 4.0

The following deployment issues may affect installations of Microsoft Office XP on computers running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0:

  • You must have Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a to support Office XP.

  • Users installing Office XP on Windows NT 4.0 might not have the required versions of some system and shared files.

Setup checks for required versions and installs the System Files Update when necessary.

  • You must have elevated privileges to install Office XP under Windows NT 4.0.

    If you also install the System Files Update, you must log on with administrator rights both before and after the computer restarts.

  • You advertise Office XP under Windows NT 4.0 by using the /jm command-line option.

    To use Windows Installer shortcuts and get install-on-demand functionality, however, you must install the Windows Desktop Update.

System Files Update

If you are upgrading to Office XP Service Release 1 and you have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01, then you do not need to install the System Files Update. However, Office XP Setup still runs the System Files Update detection process and records all file versions (even if they are up-to-date) in the log file.

For more information about the System Files Update, see Setup Components.

Elevated privileges

You must have elevated privileges to install Office XP under Windows NT 4.0. For more information about elevating the Office XP installation, see Installations That Require Elevated Privileges.

Windows Desktop Update

You can advertise Office XP by logging on as an administrator and then running Setup with the /jm option. When you advertise Office XP, Windows Installer shortcuts for each application appear on the Start menu, and a minimal set of core Office files and components is installed on the computer. When a user clicks a shortcut or opens a file associated with an Office application, Windows Installer installs the feature or application from the administrative installation point.

When you advertise Office XP or when you set one or more applications to Installed on First Use, Windows Installer shortcuts appear on the user's computer. However, Windows NT 4.0 does not support Windows Installer shortcuts without the Windows Desktop Update, which is an updated version of the Windows shell. For more information about enabling Windows Installer shortcuts, see Using Windows Installer Shortcuts with Office.

For more information about advertising Office, see Distributing Office to Users' Computers.


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