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Office Resource Kit / Messaging / Special Outlook Deployment Scenarios
Topics in this chapter
  Ensuring a Quiet Installation and Startup  
  Installing in a Terminal Services Environment  
  Installing Before or After Office  
  Configuring Outlook for Roaming Users  

Ensuring a Quiet Installation and Startup

Like the other Microsoft Office XP applications, Microsoft Outlook® 2002 prompts users for information during installation — such as the installation location — and for information when a user first starts the application — such as Outlook profile information, account migration, etc.

If you prefer to install Outlook 2002 without any user prompts, you can use Setup options to ensure a quiet installation, just as with any other Office XP application. In addition, you can use settings in the Custom Installation Wizard to configure your installation to prevent most user prompts when Outlook 2002 first runs.

Ensuring automatic user profile creation

You can make sure that users are not prompted to enter profile information themselves when Outlook 2002 first starts by giving them a default Outlook profile. To configure a default profile for users, choose one of the following options on the Outlook: Customize Default Profile page of the Custom Installation Wizard:

  • New Profile: Customize a new default profile for all Outlook users.

    Existing profiles are saved, but the new profile that you have defined becomes the default profile for all users.

  • Modify Profile: Define changes to existing default profiles and create default profiles for new Outlook users.

    Outlook uses the customizations you specify to create default profiles for users who do not have a profile.

Avoiding user prompts due to Personal Address Book conversions and Send Receipts option

Unless you specify certain configuration information when you customize your deployment, users might be prompted when Outlook first runs to choose options for these features: Personal Address Book migration and Send Receipts options.

Most required Outlook migration happens automatically when Outlook 2002 starts on a user's computer for the first time. In general, users see a dialog box that shows progress as their account information and user data are migrated, but they are not prompted to enter any information. However, if you do not specify how Personal Address Book conversion should be managed, users may be prompted to choose a conversion option.

If you want to avoid user prompts regarding account conversion when Outlook starts for the first time, specify how Personal Address Book conversion will be managed by setting an option in the Custom Installation Wizard.

To prevent user prompting for Personal Address Book account conversion

  1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, go to the Outlook Customize Default Settings page.

  2. Clear the check box next to Convert Personal Address Book (PAB file) to an Outlook Address Book.

    By clearing this option, Outlook does not import an existing PAB file into a Contacts folder when Outlook is first run, and the user is not asked to import the file.

Controlling Read Receipt settings

With Outlook 2002, users can now specify a default response to e-mail messages that arrive with a return receipt request. Users can set an option to always send return receipt (when one is requested), to never send a return receipt, or to be prompted about sending a response when a return receipt is requested. When Outlook 2002 first starts, users are prompted to specify one of these options to set as the default.

Administrators may need to implement a default setting for read receipts, depending upon the policies of their organizations. An organization may want to enforce the sending of read receipts as a way of ensuring accountability, for example, or they may want to turn off the option as a way of managing privacy. Either option can be set at the initial deployment of Outlook 2002.

If you want to avoid user prompts for specifying read receipt options when Outlook starts for the first time, specify a default read receipt response option for users by setting an option in the Custom Installation Wizard.

To prevent user prompting to specify a default read receipt response

  1. In the Custom Installation Wizard, on the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Outlook 2002.

  2. Navigate the tree to Tool | Options, Preferences, E-mail Options, Tracking Options.

  3. Double-click Options to open the Option Properties dialog.

  4. Click Apply Changes, then choose an option in the When Outlook is asked to respond to a read request drop-down menu.

  5. Click OK.

User prompts caused by other messaging clients

If a messaging client other than Outlook — such as Outlook Express or a third-party client — is defined on the user's computer, there are special circumstances in which a user may be prompted for input when Outlook 2002 starts. The following scenarios with other messaging clients may result in user prompts when Outlook 2002 first runs:

  • A user has a non-Outlook client installed that is defined as the default messaging client after Outlook 2002 is installed, but before Outlook 2002 is run for the first time.

    In this case, when Outlook starts, the user is asked if Outlook 2002 should be the default client.

  • A user has a non-Outlook client installed with multiple accounts defined.

    When Outlook starts, the user is prompted to choose one of the accounts to import to Outlook 2002.

See also

The Custom Installation Wizard offers a wide range of configuration options for defining and modifying user profiles. For more information about your options for configuring Outlook profiles, see Customizing an Outlook Installation.

Outlook 2002 supports the same Setup command-line options that the other Office 2000 applications support. These options can be set to prevent any prompts from appearing during installation. For more information about ensuring a quiet installation of Office applications, including Outlook, see Customizing How Setup Runs.


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